Um orgasmo pela paz mundial para hoje (primeiro dia do Inverno)
Ciências Humanas e Sociais

Um orgasmo pela paz mundial para hoje (primeiro dia do Inverno)

Pelo segundo ano consecutivo a Global Consciousness Project marcou para hoje, o primeiro dia do Inverno, um Orgasmo simultâneo em todo o mundo em prol da paz. Esta singular forma de manifestação sexual está marcada para as 6h.08 da manhã, hora de Lisboa. Recomenda-se que nos países que possuam armas de destruição maciça os aderentes se preparem com mais cuidado e durante mais tempo.

À frente da ideia está o casal Donna Sheehan e Paul Reffel que são dois eco-pacifistas e antigos hippies que se inspiraram no projecto da consciência global, um programa da Universidade de Princeton, que pretende medir o efeito que pode ter o pensamento humano no devir dos acontecimentos. O casal promotor da iniciativa tem a esperança de que o enorme influxo da energía física, mental e espiritual tenha efeitos positivos profundos que modifiquem o estado de violência do mundo. Segundo eles, a injecção dessa força no campo energético da Terra contribuirá para essa mudança positiva.


3 Reasons ... for Global Orgasm

Orgasm and the sense of well-being it brings - how would the planet be if it felt that good? Could that be one definition of Peace? Practice visualizing the planet experiencing the afterglow of your Big Oh and ignoring the Govern-Men as they try to drum up support for their next invasion. As global population expands, we will all feel the pressures that They will manipulate to justify violent takeover of resources.

Use less, have fewer babies, live more simply and think outside the box that They would lock you in. Nations are made up of people like you and us, and we allow people like Them to act as if they run everything, just to keep Them out of our neighborhoods. It is an act and it can only become real if we allow it to. Visualize a world in which public servants serve the public.

Gender & Social Justice
Justice starts with compassionate understanding. Only when we can visualize ourselves in someone else’s place can we understand what drives them to behave the way they do. Empathy, compassion, love – these are the Feminine traits that all women and men are born with in varying ratios. When they are used in our interactions with others and with the other species, justice will prevail. Differences in gender, social status and race are not delineators of bad and good. We are all worthy of justice. To combine the energy of orgasm with a conscious empathy for all beings, human and otherwise, would be a powerful boost to the well-being of our planet and species. Visualize true partnership to heal the planet.

Global Warming
The planet needs a rest from all our other desires, so what better way to get us to take a rest from over-consumption than an orgasm? And if we can combine that energy with a resolution to be satisfied with less of everything (except orgasms, of course), perhaps the collective mindset will change. And since a major cause of global warming, peak oil, peak water, peak everything is overpopulation by humans, lets put in a collective request for fewer offspring. Every cute baby is another consumer. Let’s make children even more valued by making fewer of them, before the pressures of overpopulation drive our children to kill each other.


WHO? All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

WHERE? Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction and places where violence is used in place of mediation.

WHEN? Solstice Day - December 22, at 06:08 Universal Time (GMT)

WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible instantaneous surge of human biological, mental and spiritual energy.

WHO? All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

WHERE? Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction and places where violence is used in place of mediation.

WHEN? Solstice Day - December 22, at 06:08 Universal Time (GMT)

WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible instantaneous surge of human biological, mental and spiritual energy.

Donna Sheehan e Paul Reffel


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