Conferência sobre «Outros Habitats» ( no ISCTE)
Ciências Humanas e Sociais

Conferência sobre «Outros Habitats» ( no ISCTE)

Notícia relacionada: ver aqui

No dia 10 de Maio, pelas 18:00, no Auditório Afonso de Barros da Ala Autónoma do ISCTE, vai ter lugar a última sessão do Ciclo de Conferências . Esta sessão será subordinada à temática “Outros Habitats” e contará com a presença de David J. Hess que nos apresentará a seguinte conferência:

Rethinking the Sustainable City: Exploring the Potential of Local Social Enterprises”

“The problems of global warming, resource depletion, persistent pollution, and habitat destruction suggest that human civilization is no longer adapted to its global habitat. The technology for achieving a transformation to a more sustainable relationship with the environment already exists in the form of green buildings, renewable energy, public transportation, and sustainable agriculture. However, the implementation of the transformation is proceeding at a very slow pace, and it occurs alongside ongoing growth of environmental deposits and withdrawals. This talk examines the argument that an economic system based on the large, publicly traded corporation with its emphasis on short-term growth creates a growth logic that is not adapted to the global ecology. The emergence of the localist movement in the United States—around small businesses, nonprofits, and local government agencies—is examined for its potential to generate a more liveable human habitat and an economy that is more adapted to life within the planet’s carrying capacity.”

David J. Hess ( )
(Science and Technology Studies Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY)

Textos para download:

“Alternative Pathways in Science and Industry: Activism, Innovation, and the Environment in an Era of Globalization” (2007) MIT Press, Cambridge, MA

“Enhancing Justice and Sustainability at the Local Level: Affordable Policies for Urban Governments”, (2006) with Langdon Winner, research funded by the National Science Foundation, Social and Economic Sciences, SES Award No. 0425039


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