Ciências Humanas e Sociais
PsychOUT: A Conference for Organizing Resistance Against Psychiatry (Conferência na Univ. de Toronto para preparar a resistência à Psiquiatria)

The purpose of this global conference is to provide a forum for psychiatric survivors, mad people, activists, scholars, students, radical professionals, and artists from around the world to come together and share experiences of organizing against psychiatry.
Dialogue about these experiences is intended:
o to foster networking and coalition building across social justice movements, disciplines and geographical locations;
o to clarify some key goals in the struggle against psychiatric oppression;
o to develop some longer-term strategies to help us achieve these goals;
o to help us critically examine how we use specific tools for social change, such as the law, science, theory, media, art, and theatre.This conference is focused on theory and practice that is directly related to developing strategic actions aimed at challenging the power of institutional psychiatry.
On May 9, 2010, the Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault (CAPA) will be sponsoring a post-conference demonstration to raise awareness Tópicos das intervenções: Conference of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (Department of Adult Education and Counseling Psychology)
Initiated by the Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault.PsychOUT: A Conference for Organizing Resistance Against Psychiatry
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
PsychOUT Conference
c/o Dr. Bonnie Burstow
252 Bloor Street West, 7th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5S 1V6Toronto, CA
May 7, 2010 – May 8, 2010Consultar: is an organization - a coalition of people - committed to dismantling the psychiatric system and building a better world through strategic activism. We see the very concept of mental illness as flawed. We object to incarceration, electroshock, and the vast array of brain-damaging drugs. We oppose the violation of human rights which is endemic to psychiatry. Currently, CAPA members are working on developing strategies and actions aimed at curtailing the use of psychiatric drugs and electroshock
Conferência Sobre Estudos Anarquistas (anarchist Studies Network Conference 2.0 – ‘making Connections’) De 3 A 5 De Set. 2012
Conferência sobre Estudos Anarquistas (3 a 5 de Set 2012) Tema: Making Connections Local: Loughborough University, UK We live in interesting times. The Arab Spring, Occupy X and anti-austerity protests are only the latest and most visible examples...
Summer Institute In Qualitative Research: Putting Theory To Work (19 A 21 De Julho) Na Manchester Metropolitan University
PUTTING THEORY TO WORK (19-23 JULY 2010) SUMMER INSTITUTE IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: ‘PUTTING THEORY TO WORK’ Organised by the Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. The MMU Summer Institute in Qualitative Research...
Conferência Sobre Anarquismo E Arqueologia No âmbito De Um Rats (radical Archeological Theory Symposium) A Realizar Em Outubro
Anúncio da realização de uma conferência sobre Anarquismo e Arqueologia organizada pelos estudantes pós-graduados de antropologia na Universidade de Binghampton (NY): Anthropology graduate students at Binghamton University (SUNY) are organizing...
10ª Conferência Internacional Da Sociedade De Estudos Sobre A Utopia ( Utopian Studies Society) Realiza-se Na Fac. De Letras Do Porto Em Julho De 2009
10th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society - University of Porto, Portugal, 1 - 4 July 2009 - “Far other Worlds, and other Seas” The Utopian Studies Society / Europe is an academic organization dedicated to the study of utopianism...
Conferencia Sobre Prisões E Penologia Na Tasmânia Em 2006
Vai-se realizar na Tasmânia, Austrália uma Conferencia internacional sobre as prisões e penologia, sob o tema The Politics of Imprisonment, Contemporary Forms of Penal Custom, Post Carceral Resettlement and others. Tasmania is an ideal place to...
Ciências Humanas e Sociais