Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Summer Institute in Qualitative Research: Putting Theory to Work (19 a 21 de Julho) na Manchester Metropolitan University
Organised by the Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
The MMU Summer Institute in Qualitative Research will provide the opportunity to learn about current trends in theory and methodology, in dialogue with leading theorists:
What are the current trends and future directions?
How does theory engage with policy and practice?
How can I put theory to work in my own research?
How does theory influence methods, ethics, identity?
Patti Lather, Ohio State University. ‘The State of Qualitative Inquiry: Methodology-21′;
Stephen Ball, Institute of Education, London. ‘Challenges of Policy Analysis in Hard Times’;
Neil Mercer, University of Cambridge. ‘Sociocultural Theory’;
Nick Lee, Warwick University [On Foucault, title to be announced];
Maggie MacLure, MMU. ‘Provocation: The Productive Offence of Theory’;
Bridget Somekh, MMU. ‘Action Research’;
Erica Burman, MMU. ‘Feminisms and Childhoods’;
Lorna Roberts, MMU. ‘Critical Race Theory’;
Ian Parker, MMU. ‘Psychoanalytic Theory’;
Rachel Holmes, Liz Jones, Maggie MacLure, Christina MacRae, MMU. ‘Encounters with Art Theory’.
Mini-sessions on: Butler – Derrida – Irigaray – Lacan – Foucault – Bourdieu – Deleuze (and others).
The Summer Institute will be of interest to qualitative researchers who are looking for serious and stimulating engagements with theory. It will be of particular interest to doctoral students and beginning researchers in education, social sciences, and the health and caring professions.
THE EDUCATION AND SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE AT MMU is a leading centre for applied social and educational research, with a world-class reputation for the development of theory and methodology. It is one of the top ten UK education research establishments, according to the latest Research Assessment Exercise.
Find out more about ESRI online at
Standard delegate fee: £195 (including all lunches, teas & coffees, plus wine reception).
For further details, contact the Summer Institute Administration:
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Ciências Humanas e Sociais