Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Anarquia e Paz (colóquio em Filadélfia)

Realiza-se na livraria anarquista Wooden Shoe Books, em Filadélfia, nos EUA, no próximo dia 9 de Janeiro um colóquio sob o tema Anarquia e Paz, e que vai ser animado por Alexis Bhagat, co-autor e editor do livro "An Atlas of Radical Cartography". O encontro é apoiado pelo Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS).
Anarchy and Peace: A Catalytic Conversation with Alexis Bhagat
at Wooden Shoe Books in Philadelphia
Saturday, January 9, at 7:00 p.m.
Anarchy and Peace:
A Catalytic Conversation with Alexis Bhagat
Wooden Shoe Books
704 South Street, Philadelphia
Alexis Bhagat facilitate a three-part catalytic conversation in the wake of the announcement of the escalation of the Afghan War. A catalyst is a substance that initiates and/or accelerates a chemical reaction. It is intended for this conversation to provoke exciting reactions in the tactics and strategies of peace activists in the coming year.
Part One: Where We're At--An Analysis
Alexis will put forward a brief analysis, from an anarchist perspective, of the trajectory of U.S. policy in waging the War on Terror. He will also speak about unstaffed hunter-killer planes (the "MQ-9 Reaper UAV"), and current prospects for nonproliferation and disarmament. Together, we will discuss implications at home and abroad for the escalation, and the continuing question of nuclear disarmament.
Part Two: Getting Together--Sharing Experiences
We will go around in a talking-stick format testifying on war and peace: how the war has affected us, what sort of activism we may or may not have been involved with, and what we think peace could mean. The stick will go around three times. Alexis will share his experiences working with the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist order and is especially interested in hearing experiences of anarchists who work with communities of faith.
Part Three: Moving on--Strategies for the Coming Year
Alexis will briefly speak about a few tactics from the past century--from direct action disruption to mass protest to dropping out--and how they fit into diverse strategies to oppose militarism and imperialism. Together we will discuss strategies that anarchists should be putting forward to end the War on Terror, identifying allies, and spelling out "What is to be Done?"
About Alexis Bhagat
Alexis is coeditor of "An Atlas of Radical Cartography," a collection of maps and essays on social issues ranging from globalization to garbage. He is a former board member of the IAS and former editor of its journal, "Perspectives on Anarchist Theory." Since 1999, he has been an active participant in Peace Walks in the United States and Asia organized by the nuns and monks of Nipponzan Myohoji. He was an initiator of the 2000 New York Prison Dharma Walk, organized by Jun Yasuda of Nipponzan Myohoji, and participated in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania sections of the 2001 Prison Dharma Walk from Plymouth Rock to SCI-Greene. Currently, he is helping to organize the northern branch of the 2010 Walk for a Nuclear Free Future, from Cold Spring Territory, Seneca Nation, to New York City. 
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Ciências Humanas e Sociais