Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Semana de acção Lisboa 2010 / Week of Action against NATO in Lisbon (15-24 Nov.) - Call to Action
Come to Lisbon. Protest against the NATO summit in Portugal
Para além do site surgiu agora um novo website dedicado exclusivamente à semana de acção não violenta contra a guerra e contra a NATO, a decorrer entre 15 e 21 de Novembro, em Lisboa:
Semana de acção Lisboa [17-24 Nov]
A contestação à cimeira da NATO em Lisboa divide-se em quatro eixos fundamentais:
Uma contra-cimeira
Uma Praça da Paz (em local a designar)
Uma manifestação
Acções de desobediência não violenta
Apelamos a todos os amantes da paz e da liberdade e a todos os inimigos da NATO e da guerra para que utilizem toda a sua criatividade para, nos dias à volta da cimeira do senhores da guerra, em Lisboa, com acções não violentas, desmascararem a NATO, as suas guerras, os seus interesses e os seus beneficiários.
A partir do dia 17 de Novembro, há acções preparadas para as ruas de Lisboa. Nesse dia e em todos os seguintes haverá um ponto e uma hora de encontro. Aí, serão apresentadas as ideias de acção por quem as tiver. As outras pessoas serão convidadas a juntarem-se ás acções propostas.
A localização do ponto de encontro deverá ser comunicada na véspera, através duma notícia publicada no Indymedia ( ). Estará também disponível no Posto de Informações da PAGAN para esses dias, situado na Rua do Salitre, 139 – 1º andar).
Mantém-te atento e vai preparando as tuas cenas.

Week of Action against NATO in Lisbon (15-24 Nov.) - Call to Action
The Anti-NATO activities are based in four main axis:
- A Counter Summit
- Peace Square (place to be confirmed)
- One big demo
- Non Violent Desobedient Actions
We call all the peace and freedom lovers and we call all the enemies of war and NATO to use their criativity in order to unmask NATO, its wars, interests and profiteers through non violent actions on the days of the summit of the War Lords, in Lisbon.
From November 17th onwards, there will be some prepared actions for the streets of Lisbon. On that day and on all the following days, there will be a meeting point and a meeting hour. There is where people can present their ideas for action. The others will be invited to join in any of the proposed actions.
The exact location of the meeting point will be revealed on the day before, through a post in the Indymedia ( ). The same information will also be available in our InforPoint - Rua do Salitre, 139 – 1º andar).
Keep updated and start preparing your ideas.
Come to Lisbon.
Protest against the NATO summit in Portugal
From 19 to 21 November the NATO summit will take place in Lisbon, with Obama, the best known of the leaders, present.
The stated objective of the summit is the adoption of a new Strategic Concept – the seventh this the foundation of NATO – and with it, the ratification of the actions of NATO in the last years, especially in Afghanistan and Somalia; the more precise definition of NATO's actions in the coming years, especially in relation to Iran; and to guarantee the cohesion of its member states under the strict obedience to the decisions of the Pentagon.
The instruments included in this new Strategic Concept are, among others, the growing militarisation of the member states of NATO; the strengthening of military power, in spite of the recession and the impoverishment of the people on both sides of the Atlantic; the banalisation of the use of war as a way to control resources – especially energy – and their transport routes; the contempt for public opinion, which defends peaceful means for the solution of international problems; a return to the nuclear threat; and the growing expansion of its area of interventions.
Never has the war effort undertaken by the governments of NATO countries proven to be so inadequate to the real military threats to these countries; but not so surprising given the difficulties of the populations – unemployment, wage freeze, increased retirement age and reduced access to health and social support.
The Portuguese governments has threatened all those who question NATO, its activities and its existence, as criminals and prepares a real stage of siege and the suspension of freedoms and safeguards that exist in democratic societies.
In this framework, a broad coalition of organisations not only of the NATO countries decided to converge in Lisbon during the NATO summit to express their protest in front of this house of warlords, despite the threat of the Portuguese government, which simply echoes the words of command from Washington and Brussels.
During the NATO summit the following will take place in Lisbon:
a counter-summit, where dangers and disadvantages of NATO actions, and more, the danger inherent in the existence of NATO, will be exposed;
A demonstration open to all who want to peacefully demonstrate the need for the abolition of NATO, and for a world without wars and military threats;
Civil disobedience actions to promote the cause of peace and local awareness for the war policy conducted by NATO, particularly in Afghanistan.
All to Lisbon, to demand an end to NATO
All to Lisbon, to demonstrate the rejection of militarism
All to Lisbon, to fight for the withdrawal of NATO from Afghanistan
All to Lisbon, to demand a world of peace and renunciation of States to resort to war.
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Ciências Humanas e Sociais