Patti Smith contra os massacres provocados pelos bombardeamentos de Israel
Ciências Humanas e Sociais

Patti Smith contra os massacres provocados pelos bombardeamentos de Israel

A conhecida cantora e compositora nova-iorquina Patti Smith acabou de compor uma canção sobre o massacre de Qana e os bombardeamentos israelitas sobre os bairros civis e a população libanesa e que se pode encontrar no seu website:


There’s no one
in the village
not a human
nor a stone
there’s no one
in the village
children are gone
and a mother rocks
herself to sleep
let it come down
let her weep

the dead lay in strange shapes

Some stay buried
others crawl free
baby didn’t make it
screaming debris
and a mother rocks
herself to sleep
let it come down
let her weep

the dead lay in strange shapes

Limp little dolls
caked in mud
small, small hands
found in the road
their talking about
war aims
what a phrase
bombs that fall
American made
the new Middle East
the Rice woman squeaks

the dead lay in strange shapes

little bodies
little bodies
tied head and feet
wrapped in plastic
laid out in the street
the new Middle East
the Rice woman squeaks

the dead lay in strange shapes

Water to wine
wine to blood
ahh Qana
the miracle
is love

A cantora faz a seguir algumas observações:

The Israeli practice of collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Convention. Why are they allowed to do this? Because they have our permission?

We send over four billion dollars in aid and weapons to Israel every year. We are paying for this devastation. The slaughter of children. The country in ruins.We are paying for this. George Bush willfully rejected a truce and now we have the Qana massacre on our head. Thirty seven of the dead were children.Qana is considered by some as the location of the first miracle of Christ. Turning water into wine. There is no wine flowing in Qana today. Only blood. Only blood.


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