O custo diário da Guerra do Iraque permitiria pagar os cuidados de saúde a 423.529 crianças
O custo diário com a Guerra do Iraque permitiria construir 6.482 casas familiares
O custo diário da Guerra do Iraque permitira pagar as despesas de electricidade em 1.274.336 habitaçõesMais informação em inglês:
Health Insurance for an adult costs $4,403 per year. $720 Million could cover 163,525 people.
The average cost of a new elementary school is $8,497,627. $720 Million could pay for 84 brand new schools.
It costs $624 to give a child free school lunches for a year. $720 Million could buy lunch for 1,153,846 kids.
An affordable housing unit costs around $111,061. $720 Million could buy 6,482 homes.
A year of Head Start costs $7550. $720 Million could open 95,364 new slots.
The average cost of renewable electricity for a home is $565/year. $720 Million could pay for 1,274,336 homes to have it.
An average school teacher’s salary is $57,000. $720 Million could put 12, 478 new teachers in the classroom.
The average cost of a four-year state university is $20,628. $720 Million could put 34,904 students through college.
Health insurance for a child costs $1,700 per year. $720 Million could cover 423,529 kids.
Based upon the work of Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and his colleague Linda Bilmes, the per day cost of the Iraq War for the first 4 years has been $720 million.
Per unit costs are based upon research done by the National Priorities Project.
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