Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Listagem das Resoluções da ONU contra o Estado de Israel
Face à ocupação prolongada do Líbano pelo Exército da Síria, os EUA exigiram mais rapidez na retirada completa e imediata de todo o exército sírio do Líbano, segundo as notícias acabadas de serem publicadas pelos órgão de informação internacional.
O porta-voz da Casa Branca, Scott McClellan chamou à recente proposta síria de retirada gradual do seu exército como uma meia-medida que está longe de cumprir com a Resolução 1559 do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas e que dizia muito claramente:«todas as forças estrangeiras precisam de deixar o Líbano imediatamente".
O Ministro da Defesa israelita Shaul Mofaz não perdeu a oportunidade para recordar que a Síria será forçada a retirar tropas nos próximos dois meses e - segundo ele - ter-se-á que dizer ao Presidente sírio, Bashar Assad , que deverá retirar as suas tropas do Líbano "... antes das próximas eleições libanesas marcadas para Maio". E acrescentou: " Tal retirada permitirá aos cidadãos do Líbano escolher um governo que não seja um governo-fantoche da Síria, um governo libanês soberano que poderá estender a sua soberania em todo o território do Líbano inclusive no sul, onde Hezbollah está estabelecido".
Enquanto isso, e ao mesmo tempo que o mundo ouve estas declarações, há uma outra ocupação que os Estados Unidos teimam em não ver e à qual comunidade internacional assiste impávida. Com efeito, não há nenhum clamor por parte dos governos dos Estados mais poderosos relativamente à ocupação, que se prolonga ali ao lado, dos territórios palestinianos e que o Exército israelita impõe a ferro e fogo aos palestinianos. E a verdade é que basta recordarmo-nos das múltiplas resoluções das Nações Unidas contra Israel para concluirmos das constantes ilegalidades cometidas pelo Estado de Israel.Por ser do maior interesse seguem-se a lista das Resoluções da ONU que condenam o Governo e o Estado de Israel de 1955 a 1992:* Resolution 106: 'condemns' Israel for Gaza raid. * Resolution 111: 'condemns' Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people. * Resolution 127: 'recommends' Israel suspends it's 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem". * Resolution 162: 'urges' Israel to comply with UN decisions. * Resolution 171: ‘determines flagrant violations' by Israel in its attack on Syria. * Resolution 228: 'censures' Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control * Resolution 237: 'urges' Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees. * Resolution 248: 'condemns' Israel for its massive attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control * Resolution 250: 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem. * Resolution 251: 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250. * Resolution 252: 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital. * Resolution 256: 'condemns' Israeli raids on Jordan as 'flagrant violation. * Resolution 259: 'deplores' Israel's refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation. * Resolution 262: 'condemns' Israel for attack on Beirut airport. * Resolution 265: 'condemns' Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan. * Resolution 267: 'censures' Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem. * Resolution 270: 'condemns' Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon. * Resolution 271: 'condemns' Israel's failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem. * Resolution 279: 'demands' withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon. * Resolution 280: 'condemns' Israeli's attacks against Lebanon. * Resolution 285: 'demands' immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon. * Resolution 298: 'deplores' Israel's changing of the status of Jerusalem. * Resolution 313: 'demands' that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon. * Resolution 316: 'condemns' Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon. * Resolution 317: 'deplores' Israel's refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon. * Resolution 332: 'condemns' Israel's repeated attacks against Lebanon. * Resolution 337: 'condemns' Israel for violating Lebanon's sovereignty. * Resolution 347: 'condemns' Israeli attacks on Lebanon. * Resolution 425: 'calls' on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon. * Resolution 427: 'calls' on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon. * Resolution 444: 'deplores' Israel's lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces. * Resolution 446: 'determines' that Israeli settlements are a 'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention. * Resolution 450: 'calls' on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon. * Resolution 452: 'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories. * Resolution 465: 'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel's settlements program. * Resolution 467: 'strongly deplores' Israel's military intervention in Lebanon. * Resolution 468: 'calls' on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return. * Resolution 469: 'strongly deplores' Israel's failure to observe the council's order not to deport Palestinians. * Resolution 471: 'expresses deep concern' at Israel's failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention. * Resolution 476: 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are 'null and void'. * Resolution 478: 'censures (Israel) in the strongest terms' for its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'. * Resolution 484: 'declares it imperative' that Israel re-admit two deported * Palestinian mayors. * Resolution 487: 'strongly condemns' Israel for its attack on Iraq's nuclear facility. * Resolution 497: 'decides' that Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan Heights is 'null and void' and demands that Israel rescinds its decision forthwith. * Resolution 498: 'calls' on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon. * Resolution 501: 'calls' on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops. * Resolution 509: 'demands' that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon. * Resolution 515: 'demands' that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in. * Resolution 517: 'censures' Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon. * Resolution 518: 'demands' that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon. * Resolution 520: 'condemns' Israel's attack into West Beirut. * Resolution 573: 'condemns' Israel 'vigorously' for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters. * Resolution 587: 'takes note' of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw. * Resolution 592: 'strongly deplores' the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops. * Resolution 605: 'strongly deplores' Israel's policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians. * Resolution 607: 'calls' on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention. * Resolution 608: 'deeply regrets' that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians. * Resolution 636: 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians. * Resolution 641: 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians. * Resolution 672: 'condemns' Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount. * Resolution 673: 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations. * Resolution 681: 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians. * Resolution 694: 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return. * Resolution 726: 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians. * Resolution 799: ’strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.
-Texto da 4ª Convenção de Genebra - Para mais informações:
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Ciências Humanas e Sociais