Luca Tornatore was arrested, together with many others for having participated in a debate. Luca, like hundreds of others, committed no crime. His arrest was confirmed based not on evidence, but only to punish his political involvement, his public visibility and his skills.This would be laughable but what is happening in Copenhagen is unprecedented. People are being stopped randomly on the streets, being preventively arrested (an already noted monstrous device of the state of exception) without any shame. More than 1500 arrests have been made, nearly all completely unjustified. Copenhagen, an ex-symbol of social-democracy, has been transformed into a police state.
We demand the immediate release of Dr. Luca Tornatore, above all for his innocence, but also because the suspension of the state of right, the provocations and the lies make Luca’s absence intolerable for all of us that sincerely share his worries for the future of our planet.
Trieste – Venice, 15 December 2009
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